Apps currently connected | db2.appl_cur_cons | Indicates the number of applications that are currently connected to the database. | Count |
Dynamic SQL statements | db2.dynamic_sql_stmts.count | The number of dynamic SQL statements that were attempted. | Count |
Failed SQL statements | db2.failed_sql_stmts.count | The number of SQL statements that were attempted, but failed. | Count |
Total app commits | db2.total_app_commits.count | Total number of commit statements issued by the client application. | Count |
Internal commits | db2.int_commits.count | The total number of commits initiated internally by the database manager. | Count |
App rollbacks | db2.total_app_rollbacks.count | Total number of rollback statements issued by the client application. | Count |
Internal rollbacks | db2.int_rollbacks.count | The total number of rollbacks initiated internally by the database manager. | Count |
CPU time | db2.total_cpu_time.count | The total amount of CPU time used while within the database system. Represents total of both user and system CPU time. | MicroSecond |
Wait time | db2.total_wait_time.count | The total time spent waiting within the database server. | MicroSecond |
Request time | db2.total_rqst_time.count | The total amount of time spent working on requests. | MilliSecond |
Rows returned | db2.rows_returned.count | The number of rows that have been selected and returned to the application. | Count |
Rows read | db2.rows_read.count | The number of rows read from the tables. | Count |
Rows updated | db2.rows_updated.count | This is the number of row updates attempted. | Count |
Rows deleted | db2.rows_deleted.count | This is the number of row deletions attempted. | Count |
Rows inserted | db2.rows_inserted.count | The number of row insertions attempted. | Count |
Lock wait time | db2.lock_wait_time.count | The total elapsed time spent waiting for locks. | MilliSecond |
Deadlocks | db2.deadlocks.count | The total number of deadlocks that have occurred. | Count |
Lock timeouts | db2.lock_timeouts.count | The number of times that a request to lock an object timed out instead of being granted. | Count |
Buffer pool data writes | db2.pool_data_writes.count | The number of times a buffer pool data page was physically written to disk. | Count |
Buffer pool index writes | db2.pool_index_writes.count | Indicates the number of times a buffer pool index page was physically written to disk. | Count |
Buffer pool XDA writes | db2.pool_xda_writes.count | Indicates the number of times a buffer pool data page for an XML storage object (XDA) was physically written to disk. | Count |
Local buffer pool index pages found | db2.pool_index_lbp_pages_found.count | Indicates the number of index pages which have been synchronously read by agents and asynchronously read by prefetchers from the local buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Async local buffer pool index pages found | db2.pool_async_index_lbp_pages_found.count | The number of times an index page was present in the local buffer pool when a prefetcher attempted to access it. | Count |
Buffer pool index logical reads | db2.pool_index_l_reads.count | Indicates the number of index pages which have been synchronously read by agents from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool temp index logical reads | db2.pool_temp_index_l_reads.count | Indicates the number of index pages which have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for temporary table spaces. | Count |
Local buffer pool data pages found | db2.pool_data_lbp_pages_found.count | Indicates the number of data pages which have been synchronously read by agents and asynchronously read by prefetchers from the local buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Async local buffer pool data pages found | db2.pool_async_data_lbp_pages_found.count | The number of times a data page was present in the local buffer pool when a prefetcher attempted to access it. | Count |
Buffer pool data logical reads | db2.pool_data_l_reads.count | Indicates the number of data pages which have been synchronously read by agents from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool temp data logical reads | db2.pool_temp_data_l_reads.count | Indicates the number of data pages which have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for temporary table spaces. | Count |
Local buffer pool XDA pages found | db2.pool_xda_lbp_pages_found.count | Indicates the number of data pages for an XML storage object (XDA) which have been synchronously read by agents and asynchronously read by prefetchers from the local buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Async local buffer pool XDA pages found | db2.pool_async_xda_lbp_pages_found.count | The number of times a data page for an XML storage object (XDA) was requested by a prefetcher from and found in the local buffer pool. | Count |
Buffer pool XDA logical reads | db2.pool_xda_l_reads.count | Indicates the number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) which have been synchronously read by agents from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool temp XDA logical reads | db2.pool_temp_xda_l_reads.count | Indicates the number of pages for XML storage object (XDA) data which have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for temporary table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool data physical reads | db2.pool_data_p_reads.count | Indicates the number of data pages which have been synchronously read by agents and asynchronously read by prefetchers from the table space containers (physical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool index physical reads | db2.pool_index_p_reads.count | Indicates the number of index pages which have been synchronously read by agents and asynchronously read by prefetchers from the table space containers (physical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool XDA physical reads | db2.pool_xda_p_reads.count | Indicates the number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) which have been synchronously read by agents and asynchronously read by prefetchers from the table space containers (physical) for regular and large table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool temp data physical reads | db2.pool_temp_data_p_reads.count | Indicates the number of data pages read in from the table space containers (physical) for temporary table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool temp index physical reads | db2.pool_temp_index_p_reads.count | Indicates the number of index pages read in from the table space containers (physical) for temporary table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool temp XDA physical reads | db2.pool_temp_xda_p_reads.count | Indicates the number of pages for XML storage object (XDA) data read in from the table space containers (physical) for temporary table spaces. | Count |
Buffer pool victim page cleaners triggered | db2.pool_drty_pg_steal_clns.count | The number of times a page cleaner was invoked because a synchronous write was needed during the victim buffer replacement for the database. | Count |
Total sorts | db2.total_sorts.count | The total number of sorts that have been executed. | Count |
Time since backup | db2.time_since_backup | Time since last backup was completed | Minute |
Backup time | db2.backup_time.count | The elapsed time that was spent doing online backups | MilliSecond |
Online backups | db2.total_backups | Total number of online backups | Count |