©2020 Dynatrace
Automatic problem remediation
Chapter 3
Dynatrace uses an AI causation engine, Davis, to automatically
detect performance, availability, error, and resource anomalies
in your applications, services, and infrastructure. Dynatrace
detected incidents are then used to alert ServiceNow
Orchestration to resolve system errors and service outages.
Once an incident is detected, it's sent to ServiceNow, along
with all the impacted CIs and the root cause. This triggers
the prescribed ServiceNow workflow that is responsible for
executing the remediation of the incident.
Dynatrace and ServiceNow automatically identify common
application problems by triggering predefined, repeatable
remediation workflows to resolve incidents immediately.
IT operations teams need instant answers to drive better business outcomes. If they are spending time
occupied with manual, error-prone tasks, this impedes productivity and value to the business. With
Dynatrace & ServiceNow Orchestration, IT can automate manual tasks and improve operational IT
efficiency, increase enterprise agility, and allocate more time and expertise to providing strategic value to
the enterprise.