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Starting your DevOps journey: Practical tips for Ops

Companies practicing DevOps have 3X fewer failures in production and 24X faster MTTR. But most IT departments still haven’t adopted DevOps practices—simply because they don’t know how to get started. Join Dynatrace Chief DevOps Activist Andi Grabner to learn practical tips and insights that would take you months or years to acquire firsthand on your own. Find out how to: Use APM to better understand SLAs, performance, and how apps impact end users Leverage metrics to ’shift-left’ your testing and QA\nIf your DevOps adoption is stuck in analysis paralysis, this is a must-see!

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On-Prem to the Azure Cloud: Monitoring across Data Centers During Your Journey to the Cloud

For BARBRI, the leading online bar exam preparation service, uptime and performance are critical to ensure the success of not only their business, but the success of their customers, including the 1.3 million who have passed the bar exam using BARBRI’s services.

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Customer case study—Swarovski: Making performance crystal clear

Swarovski are globally recognized for their crystals, jewelry & accessory products. But at the heart of their success is innovation. With online now the key driver for business, do you understand the impact of any issues your customers experience? Are you delivering a consistent experience across all devices?

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Adobe’s eCommerce Digital Transformation Journey

Digital performance is a journey, not a destination. For the eCommerce team at Adobe, their journey to change the world through digital media and digital marketing includes enabling their customers to explore and purchase products anywhere, on any screen.

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From 0 to DevOps in 80 Days: Lessons Learned Moving from On-Prem to Cloud Native

“Innovate or die” may sound extreme, but it’s the only way to thrive in today’s ever competitive market. Bernd Greifeneder, CTO of Dynatrace, wanted to ensure that the company was relevant 5 years from now so he formed an internal incubator with one goal: transform Dynatrace into a Cloud Native DevOps organization.

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Transforming 6 Month Waterfalls to 1 Hour Code Deploys

How to enable a complete cultural shift across multiple teams, in terms of thought process AND execution. What the specific role of her DevOps team is and how it played into the transformation. The role of Feature teams and why continuous feedback is critical for them. How to successfully influence key stakeholders for complete alignment.

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3 Tips to Deliver Fast Performance Across Mobile Web

Seems like everyone’s doing Responsive Web Design these days! Are you using React, Angular or others to create a mobile-friendly web experience?

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What the smartest brands know about CX … and what they still aren’t doing about it

Surveys show that digital business leaders understand the link between CX and Digital Experience (DX) – the degree to which web and app interaction is fast and free of technical errors. They know that DX affects business results – yet these same professionals often lack an assertive DX strategy. In fact, benchmarks show that many prominent brands are moving in the wrong direction!

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