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Dynatrace Blog

Modern cloud done right. Innovate faster and compete more effectively in the digital age.

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Proactive vs Reactive: How to prevent problems instead of fixing them faster

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Synthetic and Real-User Monitoring: The Best Approach

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The Top Java Memory Problems – Part 2

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Pagination with Cassandra and what we can learn from it

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NoSQL or RDBMS? – Are we asking the right questions?

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Why response times are often measured incorrectly

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Internet Health Map: Are performance issues a part of a broader Internet slow-down?

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Why Object Caches need to be Memory-sensitive – Guest Blog by Christopher André

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How Garbage Collection differs in the three big JVMs

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The Top Java Memory Problems – Part 1

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The Cost of an Exception

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Major GCs – Separating Myth from Reality

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Behind the Scenes of Serialization in Java

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Top 10 Performance Problems taken from Zappos, Monster, Thomson and Co

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How to avoid the Top 5 SharePoint Performance Mistakes

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JPA Under The Hood – Understanding the Dynamics of Your JPA Framework

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Performance Considerations in Distributed Applications

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Java Memory Problems

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.NET Performance Analysis: A .NET Garbage Collection Mystery

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Lazy vs. Eager Loading in Hibernate

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