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Dynatrace now supports Microsoft Azure Linux App Service with sidecar pattern for enhanced observability

Dynatrace has partnered with the Microsoft Azure App Service team to seamlessly integrate enhanced observability with Linux App Service using the powerful Sidecar Pattern for containerized computing. This integration simplifies monitoring and management, allowing organizations to focus on delivering exceptional user experiences.

What is the Sidecar Pattern for observability?

Traditionally, integrating monitoring into a main application container requires modifications to the container itself. Like the sidecar on a motorcycle, sidecar containers attach additional services and features to a parent container application without being tightly coupled. With the Sidecar Pattern for Linux App Service, Dynatrace uses a declarative approach, making integration smoother and more efficient, greatly simplifying monitoring within serverless containerized applications.

Here’s how it works:

Separation of concerns. In the Sidecar Pattern, the monitoring agent (the “sidecar”) runs alongside the application container. It handles tasks like collecting metrics, tracing requests, and capturing logs independently.

Decoupled integration. By keeping monitoring separate from the main application, there is no interference with the core codebase. No more tangled dependencies!

Flexibility. Need to add or update monitoring tools? Simply modify the sidecar container without touching the application code.

Benefits of Dynatrace with sidecars

Following is a few of the benefits of the Dynatrace Sidecar Pattern for Linux App Service.

Effortless integration. As a Microsoft Azure Native ISV Services partner, Dynatrace integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Linux App Service, allowing organizations to focus on building exceptional applications.

Improved scalability. Sidecars scale independently, ensuring that monitoring resources adapt to an application’s needs.

Enhanced observability. Dynatrace provides real-time insights into application performance, dependencies, and bottlenecks. Troubleshoot faster and optimize with confidence.

Zero downtime. Deploy updates to monitoring tools without disrupting applications. The Sidecar Pattern ensures uninterrupted service.

Get started with the Dynatrace Sidecar Pattern for Linux App Service

As a Microsoft Azure Native ISV Services partner, Dynatrace is constantly enhancing the features and services we offer to our Microsoft Azure customers.

The Dynatrace partnership with Microsoft is rooted in our deep technical collaboration. This solid foundation enables us to push the boundaries of innovation, bringing cutting-edge solutions to the market that empower our customers to achieve their strategic business goals. Through our partnership, we drive digital transformations and deliver greater business value, ensuring our customers can continue to excel in their respective industries. Together, we are shaping the future of technology and business.

The Sidecar Pattern for Linux App Service is currently in public preview. Learn how to integrate Dynatrace via sidecars through the Microsoft Azure portal in Microsoft’s latest blog.