Dynatrace Managed release notes version 1.304

Rollout start: Nov 11, 2024

Breaking changes

AWS log forwarder EOL

As announced earlier, the Dynatrace AWS log forwarder is deprecated.

Warning Breaking change End of support for the Dynatrace AWS log forwarder is planned for Dec 31, 2024. That time is approaching.

If you are still using the deprecated AWS log forwarder, we recommend that you switch to the new Stream logs via Amazon Data Firehose before Dec 31, 2024.

Updates and new installations blocked for operating systems

The following operating systems are blocked:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Oracle Linux 8.6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Oracle Linux 8.9

If you're running one of these systems, you need to update your OS before you can apply this Dynatrace Managed update.

New features and enhancements

NAM targetFilter with custom device and process group instance support

Digital Experience | Synthetic

NAM has been improved by adding support for a custom device and more in targetFilter. You can use new filters:

  • type
  • entityId
  • processGroupInstance
  • interfacesOf
  • extensionName
  • tags

For more examples, see Target filter.

Kubernetes deployment: additional scopes

Infrastructure Observability | Kubernetes

In addition to the metrics.ingest scope, the data ingest token now includes logs.ingest and openTelemetryTrace.ingest.

  • On the Start monitoring your Kubernetes clusters page, Install Dynatrace Operator section, the Data ingest token > Generate token option creates a token that includes the scopes:

    • logs.ingest
    • metrics.ingest
    • openTelemetryTrace.ingest
  • The Generate access token page now includes template Kubernetes: Data Ingest with the same scopes as above.

  • The Data ingest token generated by the Kubernetes deployment page now contains the same scopes as above.

Tagging worker dashboard (Dashboards Classic)

The tagging worker process is responsible for assigning tags, management zones, and names to entities based on defined rules. Now you can use the new Tagging worker preset dashboard for Dashboards Classic to:

  • Check the runtimes of this worker split for tagging, management zones, and naming rules.
  • See the slowest applied rules during the worker run, which is important for scaling rules.

For more about tagging, see Best practices for scaling tagging and management-zone rules.

Improved Cassandra CPU in some deployments

Adjusted Cassandra tuning to resolve high Cassandra CPU issues in some Dynatrace Managed deployments.

New request attribute source available for CICS transaction Group ID

Application Observability | Distributed Traces

We have added support for the CICS transaction Group ID request attribute source.

Dynatrace API

To learn about changes to the Dynatrace API in this release, see:

Operating systems support

    Future Dynatrace Managed operating systems support changes

    The following operating systems will no longer be supported starting 01 July 2025

    Past Dynatrace Managed operating systems support changes

    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 August 2024
    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 October 2024
    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 November 2024
    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 December 2024
    The following operating systems are no longer supported since 01 February 2025

    Resolved issues

    General Availability (Build 1.304.85)

    The 1.304 GA release contains 4 resolved issues.


    • Resolved an issue caused by new default settings in Firewalld in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.5 that blocked Dynatrace firewall rules. (MGD-1220)

    Infrastructure Monitoring

    • Added new options to decrease the level of SSL certificate validation for MySQL and PostgreSQL. (DAQ-2021)

    Service-Level Objectives

    • Resolved possible faulty SLO migration from Managed to SaaS environments when using the SaaS Upgrade Assistant. (CA-13239)

    Session Replay

    • Fixed a bug in Session Replay where INPUT and TEXTAREA elements weren't masked when their values were filled by default. (SR-6411)

    Update 87 (Build 1.304.87)

    This cumulative update contains 19 resolved issues and all previously released updates for the 1.304 release.


    • Resolved an issue that prevented apps that come with settings schemas from finishing installation on newly created environments. (PS-28636)
    • The OneAgent health heartbeat time format is now correct in the web UI. (TI-14367)
    • A unified analysis page will no longer show metric markers for deleted problems. (DI-16748)
    • Anomaly detectors created via the Settings API and using default analyzer parameters are now working as expected. (DI-16920)
    • Resolved issue in which a metric selector optional filter containing `or` conditions only considered one condition type per metric key. (GRAIL-33751)
    • Fixed an issue where cluster HTTP calls into the licensing backend did not work for specific firewall/proxy configurations. (LIMA-23301)
    • Resolved an issue in which tile-specific timeframes in dashboards didn't include the time zone in which they were set. The timeframe was always interpreted as local time, so users in different time zones saw different data for the same tiles. (PAPA-20786)
    • The "Create metric" and "Create processing rule" buttons in the Logs & Events app are disabled if filters in the query are too long. (LOG-8167)
    • Fixed an issue that could lead to increased CPU and memory pressure for problem manager runs if management zones change very frequently for entities of events. (DI-17430)
    • Fixed handling of span sensor data for older OneAgents. (APPOBS-2567)
    • Data Explorer, previous Dynatrace: fixed value of column matcher for table. (PAPA-21298)
    • The number of supported (ingested) events per span is limited to 128. (APPOBS-2454)
    • Connections to AWS and Azure were failing due to certificate problems originating from missing SNI record in TLS connections. (CLD-12351)
    • In the dashboard tile "Runtime Application Protection (RAP)" / "Top RAP hosts", incorrect metric `builtin:billing.runtime_vulnerability_analytics.usage_per_host` has been replaced by correct metric `builtin:billing.runtime_application_protection.usage_per_host`. (LIMA-22028)
    • The `dynakube.yaml` file now uses the latest API version: `dynatrace.com/v1beta2`. (K8S-11176)
    • Relationship filters on the Services Classic page now combine multiple values with a logical OR operator. (TI-14422)

    Infrastructure Monitoring

    • Added new options to decrease the level of SSL certificate validation for MySQL and PostgreSQL. (DAQ-2021)

    Service-Level Objectives

    • Resolved possible faulty SLO migration from Managed to SaaS environments when using the SaaS Upgrade Assistant. (CA-13239)

    Session Replay

    • Fixed a bug in Session Replay where INPUT and TEXTAREA elements weren't masked when their values were filled by default. (SR-6411)

    Update 114 (Build 1.304.114)

    This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.304 release.


    • De-alerting periods for Davis Problems detected via Kubernetes anomaly detection have been increased to reduce occurrences where problems with the same root cause are frequently closed and re-opened again. The alerts "Container restarts" and "Out-of-memory kills" now de-alert after 15 minutes. All other alerts that previously had a de-alerting period of 5 minutes now de-alert after 10 minutes. (INFOBS-903)