Sort "Assign environment permissions to user groups" table
Platform | Permissions
In the CMC, when viewing an environment, you can now sort the Assign environment permissions to user groups table by each column.
Kubernetes: events
Platform | Events
The k8s.cluster.uid,, and fields are now available for Classic Events (exposed in events/problems v2 REST, notifications).
The version_1.300 GA release contains 15 resolved issues.
OneAgent diagnostics: when you generate a support archive, an inaccessible Health Control link is no longer displayed. (Link is displayed for internal access only). (TI-13932)
Changed the unit from GB to GiB in the FSx AWS service "Storage capacity (GB)" attribute. The attribute is now "Storage capacity (GiB)". (PCLOUDS-4678)
Fixed a case where two problems referred to each other as duplicates when one of the problems should have been the main one. (DI-15839)
Fixed empty event titles for informational Davis events that have an end time already at creation. (DI-15999)
Disk options settings are available in Discovery mode. (OA-34186)
Suse Enterprise Linux 15.2 will be supported up to (and including) Dynatrace Managed version 1.300. Suse Enterprise Linux 15.3 will be supported until June 30, 2026. (CLD-12070)
Fixed an issue with the Log Events log detail viewer that occurred when a log had a `null` value in an attribute. (LOG-7172)
Disabled assigning null locations to synthetic monitors. (SYNTH-12353)
To prevent rejected problem notification emails due to an oversized email body, problem notification email bodies are now truncated to approximately 4 million characters. (DI-15755)
In the Format Table dialog, searching for columns is now caps agnostic. (LOG-7769)
Fixed an issue where PUT requests to save AWS monitoring configurations wiped non-required fields from the database (regions, enabled, runningOnDTInfrastructure, tagsToMonitor). (PCLOUDS-4764)
Fixed an issue in which, when requesting the details for a specific update job for a particular ActiveGate via the "GET an auto-update job" endpoint, a 404 error was returned if the job was older than 7 days, even though the maximum requested timeframe is for the last 31 days. (DMX-8235)
The mobile OS version is now displayed correctly in sessions for hybrid apps. (RUM-21070)
Fixed broken remote environment integration links in service overview and trace view when "Latest Dynatrace" is enabled. (TI-13976)
Fixed an issue that could result in a broken remote environment integration link in the service overview. (TI-13948)
Update 61 (Build 1.300.61)
This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.300 release.
Update 106 (Build 1.300.106)
This cumulative update contains 1 resolved issue and all previously released updates for the 1.300 release.
Resolved an issue caused by new default settings in Firewalld in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.5 that blocked Dynatrace firewall rules. (MGD-1220)
Update 108 (Build 1.300.108)
This is a cumulative update that contains all previously released updates for the 1.300 release.