AWS offers a broad set of global, cloud-based services including computing, storage, networking, Internet of Things (IoT), and many others. You can use these services in combinations that are tailored to help your business move faster, lower IT costs, and support scalability. But to understand if your cloud-based applications, as well as environments they run in, are working as designed, you need to see how every single application component communicates and interacts with the others. Therefore, the ability to view a real-time map of your applications, services, and cloud resources is key to your success.
At Dynatrace, we’re constantly improving our AWS monitoring capabilities. After releasing support for key AWS services like EC2, EBS, ELB, and RDS, we’ve now extended our support to other services, which we’ve grouped under the name supporting services on the AWS overview page.
Monitor and understand additional AWS services
After being available in an Early Adopter Release, we’re happy to announce that AWS supporting services are now Generally Available (GA).
Supporting services include every service that isn’t available with out-of-the-box Dynatrace monitoring. To reduce your CloudWatch costs and throttling, you can now select from additional services and metrics to monitor. Everything is customizable.
Get up to 300 new AWS metrics out of the box
Dynatrace ingests AWS CloudWatch metrics for multiple preselected services. You can view graphs per service instance, with a set of dimensions, and create custom graphs that you can pin to your dashboards. Based on our customers’ feedback, we’ve selected 21 additional AWS services for which you can now access up to 300 new metrics.
The additional services you can now monitor out of the box with Dynatrace are listed below.
You can observe the metrics across service instances split by region (in this example, API Gateways in us-east-1 and us-east-2).
Metrics for each service instance are presented in detailed charts—see the example for ECS below.
You can also create custom charts. The example below visualizes average latency by API name and stage for a specific AWS API Gateway.
You can then pin custom charts to your dashboards.
To set up monitoring of AWS supporting services, you need an Environment ActiveGate configured for AWS monitoring. You also need to allow the respective AWS service API calls in your AWS monitoring policy:
Dynatrace version 1.182
Environment ActiveGate 1.181 enabled for AWS monitoring
Follow these steps to configure monitoring for supporting AWS services:
From the navigation menu, select Settings > Cloud and virtualization > AWS.
Select the Edit button () next to the AWS instance you want to configure.
Select Manage services.
This displays the list of services.
Select Add service to pick the service that has the metric you want to add.
For every service, Dynatrace has already prepared a set of key metrics to bootstrap your configuration. Choose any service, for example, the Elastic File System (EFS) service, to view the list of configured metrics.
If required, you can easily adjust the metrics in the list, their dimensions, and aggregation. Select the Add metric button to display the metric configuration page. Select the metric you want and configure metric settings as required (see details in Dynatrace Help).
Select Add metric to save your settings.
What’s next
This is just the beginning, as these 21 services constitute the first batch of extended AWS support that we’ve released. In the coming months, you’ll be able to monitor all metrics of all AWS services in Dynatrace. Additionally, we’re working on providing easier access to AWS metrics. Stay tuned for updates in Q1 2020.
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