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DevSecOps Transformation Webinar Series

Taking control of software supply chain risk with End-to-End Observability and Security

Thursday, November 21 at 11 AM ET

In today's complex application landscape, the software supply chain is increasingly susceptible to exploits. Since organizations have limited control over the security practices of third parties, they must take a zero-trust approach to avoid exposure.

Join us to discover how unified security and observability can help you secure and protect all applications, including COTS and open source.

In this session, you’ll learn how to:

  • Cost effectively cover all applications with the Foundation & Discovery OneAgent mode
  • Detect and prioritize code level and third-party vulnerabilities in any application
  • Discover zero-day vulnerabilities in third-party applications and protect against exploits while they are being fixed
  • And more

Amit Shah
, Product Marketing Director

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