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Enrichment Session Series

Monitoring Your Application and Infrastructure Health with Logs in Dynatrace

Tuesday, September 24th

10:00 a.m. EDT | 16:00 CEST

Ingesting logs into Dynatrace is the first step to get answers from your data. But once your log data is flowing in, how do you use it to investigate issues and answer business-critical questions? And when should you look at logs versus other key data sources like metrics or alerts?

Join us for this session with a Dynatrace expert to learn how to efficiently monitor the health of your infrastructure and applications using your logs in Dynatrace.

In this session for Dev and Ops roles, you will learn:

  • How to get started with analyzing your log data in Dynatrace
  • How Davis AI can simplify troubleshooting and reduce MTTR by leveraging log data
  • When to use Dynatrace metrics vs. log data to improve cost efficiency
  • Common use cases and best practices for log analysis
  • Which apps you can use in Dynatrace to analyze your logs in context
  • Where to learn more about DQL to advance your log analysis skills

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