Extend the platform,
empower your team.
Ingest Spring metrics and put them in context of trace, log and diagnostics data
Technology by CommunityMicrometer is an open-source instrumentation framework for JVM-based application metrics. By adding Dynatrace support to Micrometer, you get intelligent observability and automatic root cause analysis for 17+ pre-instrumented JVM-based frameworks and servers.
scope (access problems and event feed, metrics, and topology)For more details, please refer to the Micrometer documentation
Additional resources:
Dynatrace performance clinic recording, Feed your observability data into Dynatrace AIOps
DZone blog post: How to Publish Spring Boot Actuator Metrics to Dynatrace
Deploy the Java dependency in your application and configure the token to access the API.
For Gradle, add the following implementation: io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-dynatrace:latest.release
For Maven, add the following dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId> <artifactId>micrometer-registry-dynatrace</artifactId> <version>${micrometer.version}</version></dependency>
Next, complete these Micrometer configuration steps.