Extend the platform,
empower your team.
Create new EdgeConnect configurations and manage forwarding of HTTP requests.
AppEdgeConnect allows you to securely connect and interact with your IT environment from within Dynatrace® apps or workflows, whether it is on running on-premises or a private cloud network. This enables you to e.g. access your private network's Jira instance from a workflow and create or update a Jira issue.
The EdgeConnect Management app allows you to create new and manage existing EdgeConnect configurations and define which requests are forwarded to which EdgeConnect instance. The app also give you an overview of how many EdgeConnect instances are connected per configuration.
EdgeConnect Management enables you to:
Launching the app will provide you with an overview of your existing EdgeConnect configurations and options to create new ones, specifying the host patterns of the requests that should be handled by the respective EdgeConnect configuration. After having created the configuration, you then need to start a matching EdgeConnect instance according to the steps of https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/edgeconnect in your target network.
Pull request #154: - Adds ban rule for faulty strato imports.
Pull request #149: fix: Fixed outdated Jenkins Playwright executor and updated Playwright + testing-platform version. ref: NOISSUE
Pull request #148: feat: Added a html report + test executions button which redirects to CTC in the Jenkins sidebar UI.
Pull request #131: feat: Added the playwright container for a11y and component tests. ref: CAR-118247
Pull request #139: feat: exclude node_modules folder from code scanning.
Pull request #138: Feat/SEC-5014/introduce snyk code scanning
Pull request #129: APPDEV-- add dt vscode to gitpod.yml
Pull request #101: - Avoid detection ESLint false-positives for autogenerated i18n message keys Pull request #100: - Added i18n related dependencies and commands
Pull request #88: - Remove label and idleMinutes
Pull request #87: - Ignore testcafe files for reload of dev-server
No release notes