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Detect anomalies in timeseries using the Davis AI
AppThe Anomaly Detection App, seamlessly integrated within Dynatrace, focuses on enhancing timeseries monitoring through real-time analysis of DQL queries.
This app offers a specialized focus on detecting and alerting on anomalies based on multiple anomaly detector: - fixed threshold, auto-adaptive, or seasonal models — allowing for tailored monitoring that suits various patterns and needs.
Davis Anomaly Detection enables you to:
Customize an anomaly detector for your specific requirements either coming from observability, security, or business perspective.
Create an anomaly detector on time series regardless of its origin—whether it’s generated with makeTimeseries from events, bizevents, logs, or other sources.
Leverage DQL for effective Anomaly Detection
Use one of the anomaly detection analyzers based on your timeseries behavior.
Static threshold anomaly detection
Auto adaptive threshold anomaly detection
Seasonal Baseline anomaly detection
Define your event template with {placeholder} hints and key: value essential information for the subsequent process.
Davis Anomaly Detection comes preinstalled with all Dynatrace SaaS environments
We recommend that you open Davis Anomaly Detection and run through the Getting started to become familiar with it. The Getting started appears when you open Davis Anomaly Detection for the first time. You can return to it anytime by selecting the help menu (?) in the upper-right corner of the app.
Initial release of Anomaly Detection App