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Co-Innovation Lab @ LIT Open Innovation Center


Dynatrace and the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz are conducting cooperative research in the field of computer science. This research is jointly done under the title Co-Innovation Laboratory. With the objective of creating original scientific works, this cooperation uniquely drives research between industry and science, defining the focus topics and research areas in a joint effort. For the cooperative research in the Co-Innovation Laboratory, two post-doc positions are being created at the JKU, LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab, for a period of two years, co-financed by Dynatrace.


Image rights: Linz Institute of Technology


The Linz Institute of Technologiy (LIT) Open Innovation Center (OIC) serves as an open platform to explore, develop, demonstrate and strengthen the potential digitization technologies and create cross-industry solutions for products and production processes and serves as a modern collaboration platform where interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research groups can exchange information to advance and drive technology.


Find out more about our Research Lab at the LIT in Linz here

What are the key areas tackled in the Co-Innovation Lab?

Independent research in the fields of transaction processing, query processing, cloud databases, similarity search and data extraction, distributed systems, stream processing and analysis, query optimization, new architectures and caching, or indexing and search.

All research areas