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Christian Doppler Laboratory


An increasing number of software systems today are very-large-scale software systems (VLSS) with decentralized control, support for multiple Platforms, inherently conflicting requirements, continuous evolution and Deploymentas well as heterogeneous, inconsistent, and changing elements. The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Monitoring and Evolution of Very-Large-Scale Software Systems (2013-2020), has been working on theoretical foundations as well as methods, tools, and infrastructures for managing and supporting the monitoring and evolution of VLSS 


 Image rights: JKU Linz


The laboratory has been hosted by Johannes Kepler University Linz and was co-funded by the Christian Doppler Research Association and several partners, including Dynatrace Austria. 


Find out more here. 

What is the key area tackled by the cooperation with the Christian Doppler Laboratory?

Independent research in the fields of transaction processing, query processing, cloud databases, similarity search and data extraction, distributed systems, stream processing and analysis, query optimization, new architectures and caching, or indexing and search.

All research areas