Dynatrace Research is shaping the technological future of Dynatrace in the domain of software intelligence.
We are applying and advancing existing research by collaborating, influencing, and contributing to various domains: software intelligence, distributed data systems, real-time analytics, generative AI, and application security—putting a focus on future technologies to solve the most advanced use cases.
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Our researchers aspire to make discoveries, drive solutions, and share their findings, driving the progress in the field.
Benchmarking Stream Processing Frameworks for Large Scale Data Shuffling
Distributed stream processing frameworks help building scalable and reliable applications that perform transformations and aggregations on continuous data streams. We outline our ongoing research on designing a new benchmark for distributed stream processing frameworks. In contrast to other benchmarks, it focuses on use cases where stream processin...
Sören Henning, Adriano Vogel, Michael Leichtfried, Otmar Ertl, Rick Rabiser
| Softwaretechnik-Trends | 2023
Generating repairs for inconsistent models
There are many repair alternatives for resolving model inconsistencies, each involving one or more model changes. Enumerating them all could overwhelm the developer because the number of possible repairs can grow exponentially. To address this problem, this paper focuses on the immediate cause of an inconsistency. By focusing on the cause, we can g...
Luciano Marchezan, Roland Kretschmer, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Alexander Reder, Alexander Egyed
| 2022
Irregular alignment of arbitrarily long DNA sequences on GPU
The use of Graphics Processing Units to accelerate computational applications is increasingly being adopted due to its affordability, flexibility and performance. However, achieving top performance comes at the price of restricted data-parallelism models. In the case of sequence alignment, most GPU-based approaches focus on accelerating the Smith-W...
Esteban Perez-Wohlfeil, Oswaldo Trelles, Nicolás Guil
| The Journal of Supercomputing | 2022
Computing the Similarity Estimate Using Approximate Memory
In many computing applications there is a need to compute the similarity of sets of elements. When the sets have many elements or comparison involve many sets, computing the similarity requires significant computational effort and storage capacity. As in most cases, a reasonably accurate estimate is sufficient, many algorithms for similarity estima...
Pedro Reviriego, Shanshan Liu, Otmar Ertl, Fabrizio Lombardi
| IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing | 2021
Estimation from Partially Sampled Distributed Traces
Sampling is often a necessary evil to reduce the processing and storage costs of distributed tracing. In this work, we describe a scalable and adaptive sampling approach that can preserve events of interest better than the widely used head-based sampling approach. Sampling rates can be chosen individually and independently for every span, allowing ...
| arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07703 | 2021
Meet our research team
Our team of research experts drives advancements in software development, machine learning, generative AI and data analytics, to develop cutting-edge solutions ready to be applied to real-world use cases.