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Hagenberg Lab

In early 2019, our Hagenberg Lab opened its gates in what we call the "Silicon Valley of Upper Austria" – the Softwarepark Hagenberg, right next to the University of Applied Sciences Campus Hagenberg. Later that year, our new lab in the Business Campus 1 was ready and the growing team moved into the new space. In spring 2021, the journey continues, and another milestone was reached: we successfully extended our lab space to the Business Campus 2, including a bridge, which is now connecting the offices.

Our Hagenberg Lab has its focus on our platform, application security and Data Science. With close research links to the Campus Hagenberg, our teams work on core Dynatrace cluster components as well as gathering new insights that fuel our AI.

Meet our Hagenberg Lab ...

Dynatrace Engineering

... in what we call the "Silicon Valley of Upper Austria" - the Softwarepark Hagenberg.