Unified observability and security
Simplify cloud complexity and innovate faster and more securely with the only analytics and automation platform powered by causal AI.

Monitor and secure your full stack on one AI-powered data platform
Solve your biggest digital challenges with complete visibility and precise answers that drive automation.
Infrastructure Observability
Application Observability
Digital Experience
Log Analytics
Application Security
Threat Observability
Software Delivery
Business Analytics
A Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Observability Platforms
See why Gartner positioned us furthest for Completeness of Vision and highest for Ability to Execute in the latest Magic Quadrant.

Empower every team to do more with data
Break down silos and proactively prevent issues before they affect end users.
Deliver experiences customers love
And increase conversions up to 25%
Innovate faster with higher quality
And deliver better software up to 4x faster
Keep services reliable and resilient
And reduce time spent on vulnerabilities up to 95%
Operate efficiently and securely
And reduce support tickets up to 99%
supported technologies
We’re open and extensible, and integrate with all major cloud platforms and solutions.
The industry leader in unified observability and security
- A Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Observability Platforms
Positioned furthest for Completeness of Vision and highest for Ability to Execute - 2024 ISG Provider Lens™
Read this year’s research to learn why ISG recognized Dynatrace with Leader status in cloud-native observability and security. - Dynatrace proud to receive the Ally Technology Velocity with Quality award